This year 2019 is the International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements (IYPT). When I planned to introduce the periodic table of elements, I
wanted the lesson to be simple, fun, memorable, and understandable as it is important
up to high school.
We cannot learn any
subject, if we do not recognize the connection that has in our daily life. When we started the study of the periodic
table, the first think I did was collecting some elements that we use in our
daily life. I started with showing the
stuffs that made up of aluminum, silver, gold, and, copper which my daughter is
familiar with. After showing these elements in the periodic table, we started
to learn the name of other elements.
A colorful periodic table, simple information cards, and,
the elements collected - that’s all; it makes the learning of periodic table
fun and hands-on.
Our lesson covered the following,
What are elements?
Elements that found in our daily life
Total elements found so far, and how they are
arranged in the periodic table.
Major classifications of elements and their